So I am in 2 minds whether to go out on the min with Lucy this afternoon. I decide for it as I haven't been able to go out preaching for 3 weeks and I could go straight to the meeting afterwards. Its sunny outside,I can make it. After hopping down the 4 flights of stairs and onto Lucy's pasola,we drive to Odalis' house to prepare the meeting with her. My foot is propped up on the chair so all is well.
Then, out of nowhere.Hailstone! It started chucking it down.Thunder, lightning.the lot.I feel so depressed as I know my ghetto crutches are gonna make me slip. Not only am I gonna get very wet and i have no change of clothes and I cant hold an umbrella and my crutches.I'm probably gonna break my other leg in the process of walking to the bike.After praying for the rain to the time we are ready to go to the hall, it has stopped raining hard so we decide to try it on the pasola.Lucy takes me to a sis' house near the hall getting wet on the way as it starts to pour it down more half way there, and I wait there till the hall opens. I make it to the hall where I take control of the DVD system. All in all I'm glad I went.